Creative Childcare Consulting e-Workbooks
A Reflective Tool for Individual and Group Professional Development
“Learning is a treasure that will follow it’s owner everywhere.”
Creative Childcare Consulting provides an e-workbook solution to address the diverse training needs of Early Learning Educators. This resource provides a context that allows the user to gain valuable knowledge and engage in self-reflection while exploring strategies on how to create an environment based on current research and best practices in their professional setting.
Each e-workbook brings together the values, skills and dispositions required to be a reflective practitioner. Opportunities to read, view videos based on current research and practices, as well as reflection on individual values and beliefs are embedded in each e-workbook, supporting the user to become a purposeful and intentional educator.
E-workbooks are designed for individual or team use. They provide opportunities to engage in active learning, self-reflection and skill enhancement. A great staff meeting tool.
Early Learning Educators who use CCC e-workbooks will deepen their understanding of the subject manner presented and identify creative ways to implement current research-based approaches to their own early learning practices.
e-Workbook Atypical Development
Atypical development appears when a child is behind or jumps ahead of typical pe..
e-Workbook Developmental Milestones
When we talk about child development, we often speak of milestones that children hit at certain..
e-Workbook Infants and Toddlers at Risk
The term “at risk” does not mean that the child will be delayed or affected, but rather ..
e-Workbook Partnering with Families
Research shows children are much more likely to reach their full potential in life when their family..
e-Workbook The Learning Environment
An early learning environment is a living, changing system. More than the physical space, it include..
e-Workbook Working as a Team
Building a top-notch early learning team is not an easy task. It is however, one of the most importa..
e-Workbook Working Together: Families, Educators and Community Partners
Early learning programs have the ability and responsibly to develop lasting and meaningful relations..
e-Workbook Inclusive Childcare
Early learning and childcare programs are often challenged by the many complex and diverse needs pre..