What superpower are you channelling today?
What superpower are you channelling today?
By: Traudi Kelm
Superpowers are real, I have them, you have them.
You may be leading your team through new innovative health and safety practices?
Or supporting a family who is experiencing added stress as they continue to deal with the pandemic?
Are you connecting with a child who is having a hard day?
Or are you just trying to get through the day yourself?

If you were a superhero what would your superpower be? What is your greatest strength?
These questions may help you identify your biggest personal asset. Hopefully, they invite you to focus on the impact you have
on others.
Your superpowers may not seem to have much in common with the typical skills and competencies of a superhero they are, however, drawn from your real-life experiences. Channelling those superpowers could be the key towards a brighter outlook.
This should get you started…
Are there any achievements you are particularly proud of, or times when you had obstacles to overcome in order to be successful?
Can you identify a particular characteristic that enabled you to do this?
Where have you shown stamina despite adverse circumstances? Where do you show endurance, strength, or resilience?
Do you have the power of observation? You may not have x-ray eyes, but you could have an eye for detail or the ability to step back and analyse a situation. You may be able to spot a child who needs an extra bit of attention or a co-worker who is dealing with a stressful situation.
Speed…a definite superpower. Are you efficient, do you manage your time well or accomplish tasks quickly? Can you get to the other side of the room in the blink of an eye?
Are you capable of flexibility and adaptability? Even though you don’t have shapeshifting abilities you may still be able to make changes quickly based on what you notice the children are interested in on a particular day in the moment.
Are you sensitive to what others are thinking and feeling? Are you empathetic? Emotional intelligence is a particularly useful superpower when engaging children, parents, or co-workers.
Do you have the power to influence your environment? What was your last provocation? What changes have you made to the environment? Have you successfully taken on a leadership role?
So …. what is your superpower?
I think mine is having incredible patience, at least that is what I have been told. Because the Crane symbolizes patience my superhero name will be “Silver Crane”… a bit corny I know.
But seriously, all children need a superhero, now more than ever. Children are always looking for someone who they can look up to, someone who they can admire, someone who they can trust and feel safe with. There is no better feeling than knowing a child thinks you are a superstar. It isn’t easy having superpowers, a single mistake can bring you back to ground zero. It’s a high stakes game, but well worth it in the end.
So how can you be a superhero? Be there! Be there when a child needs you and when they don’t. Make sure their needs are met both physically and emotionally.
You may not want to be a superhero but having a positive trusting relationship with every child in your care, every family and every co-worker will make you a better educator, and a better person.
Take the Creative Challenge: Pick your superpower and superhero name
Share with us at: info@creativechildcareconsulting.ca and we will post on our website.